The banner ad ran online at the New Hampshire Union-Leader, the Boston Globe and the Salt Lake Tribune websites
SAN DIEGO, CA – Californians Against Hate will be asking Mitt Romney “to urge the Mormon Church to stop its nasty campaign to ban gay marriage,” in ads running throughout San Diego next week.
Another appeal will be made to Romney at a demonstration on Monday, March 22, 2010 at 5:30 pm at his book signing at the Deseret Bookstore. Californians Against Hate is organizing the friendly demonstration to welcome the former Massachusetts governor to San Diego.
WHAT: Demonstration at Mitt Romney’s Book Signing
WHEN: Monday, March 22nd at 5:30 pm
WHERE: Deseret Bookstore (Mormon Church Owned)
La Jolla Village Sq. Shopping Center
8657 Villa La Jolla Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037
(S. E. Corner of Nobel Dr. and Villa La Jolla Dr.)
Exit 28 off I-5 south — Exit 28A off I-5 north858-535-1404
The Deseret Bookstore, where Monday’s book signing is being held, is owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church). Deseret Books is in the shadow of the San Diego Mormon Temple, which is located just across the 5 Freeway (Deseret Bookstore is on the west side of the Freeway).
The online banner ad (copy above) will begin running in four (4) San Diego publications beginning Monday, March 22, 2010. The ads will link to the full ad copy on the new web site, Rights Equal Rights home page.
Ads Will Run In:
Californians Against Hate began the Call Mitt Romney ad campaign in January 2010. It ran the banner ad in the New Hampshire Union-Leader, The Boston Globe and The Salt Lake City Tribune. Washington, DC based, Politico was the first to report on this groundbreaking ad campaign, “Gay Group Targets Romney,” directed at presumptive 2012 Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. The ad asks Mormon Church leaders to take a vow of political neutrality on gay marriage.
Monday, March 22nd – 5:30 pm
Ask Mitt Anything
Ask Mitt Romney to help stop the Mormon Church’s nasty campaign against gay marriage!
As a national political leader and influential member of the Mormon Church, Mitt Romney could persuade Church leaders to end their 15 years of active involvement, and massive financial support to oppose equal rights for Gay and Lesbian Americans.
The Mormon Church and its members have spent tens of millions of dollars in 31 states to ban gay marriage and hurt so many people.
Mormon Church Leaders should take a vow of political neutrality on gay rights, similar to their stated practice in partisan elections.
WHAT: Demonstration at Mitt Romney’s Book Signing
WHEN: Monday, March 22nd at 5:30 pm
WHERE: Deseret Bookstore (Mormon Church Owned)
La Jolla Village Sq. Shopping Center
8657 Villa La Jolla Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037
(S. E. Corner of Nobel Dr. and Villa La Jolla Dr.)
Exit 28 off I-5 south — Exit 28A off I-5 north858-535-1404