Where’s the Money Maggie???
Requests for National Organization Marriage
Financial Reports Go Unanswered
LOS ANGELES, CA – Californians Against Hate had representatives go by the Princeton, New Jersey offices of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) twice to get copies of their IRS 990 reports, to no avail. NOM is required by federal law to have these available for public view. Then our representative, Ben Katzenberg, sent two certified letters to the NOM office on March 18, 2009 requesting its two 990 forms. Federal law requires NOM to furnish copies of these IRS filings within 30 days after the requested has been received. And 40 days later, still no 990s.
We believe that NOM has two committees; the National Organization for Marriage 501(c)4 and National Organization for Marriage Educational Fund 501(c)3. Both certified letters were signed for (see US Postal receipt below) at their Princeton, New Jersey office on March 25, 2009.
We have filed a formal complaint with the IRS for their failure to comply with the federal public disclosure laws. The IRS imposes fines of $20 per day up to $10,000 per committee until the financial disclosures are made public.
Here is a copy of the U S Post Office certified mail receipt signed by NOM:
Six weeks ago Californians Against Hate filed a formal complaint with the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) charging that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church) established NOM as a front group to qualify California ’s Prop 8 for the ballot, and to fight marriage equality around the country. The FPPC has an ongoing investigation
(Case # 080735) against the Mormon Church. They are looking into this charge and the Mormon Church’s lack of reporting its massive non-monetary contributions on behalf of Yes on Prop 8.
The Mormon Church has a long history of using front groups to carry on its fights opposing same-sex marriage beginning in Hawaii in 1998. The Mormon Church established “ Hawaii ’s Future Today” to support that state’s constitutional amendment opposing same-sex marriage. Documents obtained by Californians Against Hate are posted on our new web site: Mormongate.com which detail exactly how the Mormon Church has set up these front groups in the past. The 18 month old NOM shares a strikingly similar heritage.
Maggie Gallagher is president of NOM. She was the subject of a George W. Bush administration scandal. Maggie was paid over $40,000 by the federal government to promote Bush’s educational agenda and never disclosed the fee for several years. She was a nationally syndicated columnist at the time, and used her columns as the vehicle to promote the Bush Administration policy. She continually denied that she was under contact to the Department of Health and Human Services for many years.
“We want transparency here,” stated Fred Karger, founder of Californians Against Hate. “We hope that the National Organization for Marriage will obey the law and release both of its Federal 990 reports immediately. What are they hiding?”
“They now claim to be spending $1.5 million on their outrageous TV commercials. Where is that money coming from? How much are they personally paying themselves? How much 501(c)4 money did they raise to qualify and pass Prop 8? These and many more questions need to be answered, NOW.”
“The Mormon Church has led the fight against same-sex marriage in the United States for the past 20 years, and it has always done so very secretly. They have the right to participate in the political process, but they must abide by all federal and state laws. The public is entitled to see the IRS filings, and we hope that Maggie Gallagher and the other NOM board members will comply with our request,” concluded Karger.
Matthew R. Holland, NOM Board Member Resigns (?)
Replaced by Scary Mormon Science Fiction Writer
Soon after Californians Against Hate charged the Mormon Church with creating NOM, founding NOM Board Member, Matthew R. Holland, son of Mormon Apostle Jeffrey S. Holland suddenly resigned from the Board of Directors Then soon after that, NOM Chairman, Robby George announced that, “the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints would be ‘represented’ on the NOM board by Orson Scott Card, a columnist for the Mormon Times.” Note to NOM: if Matt Holland is really gone, you might want to remove his name from your NOM California web site…..
Take a look at what People for the American Way came up with on the new Mormon on the NOM Board, Orson Scott Card:
“The NOM has argued that it is not a homophobic organization, but Card’s remarks suggest otherwise. Card, who represents the Church Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on the board and received an effusive welcome last week from NOM president Maggie Gallagher, supports criminalizing sex between same-sex adults:
Laws against homosexual behavior should remain on the books…to be used when necessary to send a clear message that those who flagrantly violate society’s regulation of sexual behavior cannot be permitted to remain as acceptable, equal citizens.
“Card has also advocated overthrowing the government if same-sex marriage is permitted:
How long before married people answer the dictators thus: Regardless of law, marriage has only one definition, and any government that attempts to change it is my mortal enemy. I will act to destroy that government and bring it down, so it can be replaced with a government that will respect and support marriage, and help me raise my children in a society where they will expect to marry in their turn.
Biological imperatives trump laws. American government cannot fight against marriage and hope to endure. If the Constitution is defined in such a way as to destroy the privileged position of marriage, it is that insane Constitution, not marriage, that will die.
Column Links NOM and Opus Dei
A must read; Danielle Truszkovsky a respected columnist with the South Florida Blade released new and startling information last Thursday. Her well read, well researched column paints quite a picture of the closeness between the Mormons and Opus Dei. They appear to have worked together to create NOM!
Colbert Report Has Mormon Church in its Parody
This is our favorite of all the very clever parodies of the NOM “A Gathering Storm” commercial: Colbert Report Check out the disclaimer at the end – very funny, and the Mormon Church on the closing credit looks to be fact!
We heard they’ve been around for a while, but now they are the contact for Maggie and Brian Brown, NOM’s Executive Director. The firm CRC link is headed by none other than Greg Mueller and Mike Russell. Mueller was far far right, former Presidential candidate, Pat Buchanan’s Communications Director. And guess who Mike Russell worked for? If you guessed Pat Robertson, you were right!
Seems like NOM has picked up steam in the last couple of months, and we’re pretty sure this duo has a lot to do with it. Both Buchanan and Robertson are notoriously homophobic, so it is no surprise that their staff follows suit.
American Association of Justice to Honor Manchester Grand Hyatt Boycott — Moving Annual Convention to San Francisco!
According to the Metropolitan News-Enterprise, the 2,000 + attorney members of the American Association of Justice are leaving the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego and instead taking its annual summer convention to San Francisco. Hotel owner, Doug Manchester gave $125,000 to Yes on Prop 8 to qualify the constitutional amendment for the November 2008 ballot.
“The American Association for Justice, formerly the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, has relocated its annual convention to avoid meeting at the San Diego hotel that has become the target of a boycott because of its owner’s support of Proposition 8. In an undated letter addressed to members, President Les Weisbrod of Miller, Curtis & Weisbrod in Dallas announced that the organization’s convention has been rescheduled to take place from July 25 to 29 in San Francisco.”
Californians Against Hate launched a boycott of both Manchester hotels, the Manchester Grand Hyatt and the Grand del Mar Resort. We partnered with Unite Here Local 30, the hotel worker’s union, and several LGBT leaders nearly one year ago. The two San Diego hotels have lost countless meetings and conventions since the boycott began on July 18, 2008.
You guys are the best. If I ever need a source of conspiracy theories and monomanical jermiads against a percieved enemy, I know exactly where to go. None of your stuff is copyrighted, right?