December 2, 2009
Contact: Fred Karger
I am starting a legal defense fund
Please Get out Your MasterCard – I Need Your Help!
It’s been three months since I was subpoenaed by the National Organization for Marriage and Protect Marriage, the official Yes on 8 campaign committee that raised $40 million last year. They served me with a subpoena on Labor Day weekend as part of their federal law suit to end disclosure of all campaign contributions in California.
In one fell swoop, these rabid opponents of LGBT civil rights want to forever hide the identity of all their donors, and stop me from my pursuit of truth and transparency. They want to continue to raise millions and millions of dollars to ban same-sex marriage while keeping their donors’ names secret.
They want to silence me by dragging me through our costly legal system. They are clearly doing this to harass me and hurt me. They don’t like the fact that two states, California and Maine, are investigating the National Organization for Marriage due to the complaints that I filed.
I have retained a highly regarded California law firm, Stevens, O’Connell and Jacobs to represent me. I am very fortunate to get such excellent attorneys to go up against the well funded and powerful lawyers on the other side, James Bopp and the Alliance Defense Fund.
I will not be intimidated, but I cannot fight these huge national organizations and their lawyers myself. I need your help.
I am truly a citizen activist. It is just my laptop and me. I am more committed than ever to gathering and publishing information that is essential to a full and fair debate over Proposition 8 and the forces behind it. But those forces are trying to silence me by making my First Amendment rights too costly to exercise I cannot cover all of the legal bills that will be necessary to fight these mega organizations with unlimited resources.
Some friends and I have set up Five for Fred to help cover my legal expenses in dealing with the subpoena and matters related to it.
I have received a huge outpouring of support these past two months. Many of you have asked what you could do to help me.
So I am asking you to contribute a minimum of $5.00. If enough people donate the price of a latte (with tip), it will be a HUGE help.
Please ask your friends and family members to support Five for Fred, too. Post a link on your Facebook page, tweet, forward to your friends and please send whatever you can to help right now.
My hometown City Council of Laguna Beach recently presented me with a Proclamation from the city supporting me, a copy of which is below. And Cindy Frazier, the editor of the Laguna Beach Coastline Pilot wrote a beautiful and moving front page column detailing my plight, From Canyon to Cove: NOM Calls out Karger.
I am incredibly appreciative of the support I have received, and truly, it has helped me get through this tough time.
Please take a moment to donate to Five for Fred, and remember to forward this request to your friends, family and co-workers.
I am more motivated than ever before. I will continue to fight for our rights, and to draw attention to those organizations, religions, corporations and individuals whose goal is to stop us from attaining full civil rights.
Thank you very much for your help!
Best personal regards,
Fred Karger
Californians Against Hate
Five for Fred
City of Laguna Beach Proclamation Recognizing Fred Karger